
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The final day!

As I look back on the week, it probably would have been smarter to post throughout the day... I tend to forget the best parts by the time I write... Oh well, something to do next year. The morning started off well. It's always interesting to see who is and isn't a morning person. Molly... IS a morning person... The rest..... Not so much.... We ate breakfast together and the gals at my table pretty much just listened to Molly talk. It was quite interesting and entertaining to say the least.... We headed off to camp and jumped right into warming up. I think the mornings are the worst for me because I am running from coaches meetings to the girls and it's a big mess... Oh, I forgot to mention a little sneakiness that the girls tried to pull... We were asked (not forced) to gather addreses for St. Judes Hospital. It is the goal of UCA to raise enough money to fund the hospital for two days (I believe it is 1.3 million $ a day to run the hospital). What did our kids do.... They used each other (multiple times) to turn in..... Ummmmm I don't think they quite understood that that isn't going to raise money.... Well, they got caught and were a bit embarrassed. On to lunch.... The morning was just filled with cheer, stunts, cheers, stunts....... So lunch.... We ate and then rested.... Now that I think about it, lunch wasn't too eventful... The girls are honestly working their tails off and it is quite clear when we sit.... I know this because they sit in silence.... Ok, where was I.... Oh yes, after lunch we went down early and ran through their performance. After an hour or so we took a time out to watch the All American tryouts. Members from each squad tried out in front of camp to be an All American. (results later.... Keep reading) Now off to dinner.... This is my favorite part if today's story... For me, manners are a must. Especially at the table. Throughout camp, the girls come to realize that if you sit with me you need to keep your elbows off the table and put your napkin in your lap. Some girls get used to it and learn the table rules.... Others do everything In Their power to get as far from my table as possible. :-) Also, you have to eat dinner before dessert... Today at the table (sorry to call you out) Sydney brought her dessert, a few churros, with her dinner.... She scarfed them down before I could stop her..... Then the following conversation happened Sydney: Hey Baber (as Taylor was getting up),can you get me a rice crispy treat? Me: ummmmm I don't think so. Eat your dinner first! No more sweets! Sydney: (with a blank stare on her face) oh man! You're worse than my mom! Me: Too bad! :-) Another girl (I can't remember who): Gotta follow Aki's rules... It really cracked me up. Mostly because I know they just cram all the junk food the can into themselves when the go to their rooms... Any way.... After dinner we went in to perform our extreme routine for evaluations. The girls went out and performed. Wasn't the best, but was way better than most of the other teams.... I'm not trying to judge or be harsh but our kids did what they could and did it well. The other teams tried to work in stunts that were out of their skill levels and it was a bit of a hot mess (big disaster).... So I was very proud that the girls didnt go too crazy. For you parents coming tomorrow, you will be excited! On to awards.... Yes, another night with the spirit stick! Yay! Maria was chosen to be an All American and the team won a red Excellent ribbon! It was a great end of the day. I put the girls to bed early and told them to start packing. Their toons look like a tornado hit.... Tomorrow it's one final performance and then we are headed home! I'd tell ya that I'm going to post pics when I get home, but I'd be lying.... I'm off on my honeymoon so pics will have to wait till then. Until tomorrow, Cheers! ps. Don't forget to disregard any misspelled words or parts that dont make sense.... Typing in an iPad is not fun...

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