
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Rough Day Two

Last night we were a divided team...

We had Room A: The Bachelorette Fans...
And Room B: Those that could care less about who Ali sent home

Since most of the girls were busy engaging in reality TV last night, I don't think they got as much sleep as they should have.

This morning we learned that there are very FEW morning people on our team and I was greeted with many grouch faces at breakfast. To top the morning off, our waiter at breakfast was very excited and wanted to tell the girls every joke he knew. Lets just say we didn't stay at the table long.
As we made our way to our first session, we had to pause for our morning snapshot. They started to perk up a little too. They were clearly not used to getting up at 6am...

Oh, and did I mention that they won a SPIRIT STICK last night??
They took it with them this morning and make a little shrine for it.

After an hour or so they were back to their usual crazy selves...

That is until we started stunting.... During our morning stunting session it was clear that the girls were feeling their lack of sleep. The ugly side of these beautiful ladies came out in full force today, but luckily it quickly passed. We had to have "the talk" of life at lunch today and we the girls were told that they needed to focus on our attitudes and our team work.
Later on the girls went through their cheer evaluation. It could have been better, but considering the ugliness that surrounded us this morning, this was to be expected.
BUT, they did receive an Excellent ribbon and some wonderful advise.

Currently the girls are working on round 2 of stunting and it seems to be going much better than before. I'll be crossing my fingers it stays this way for the rest of the week.

Soon we will be off to dinner and we will be working on our manners again. :-)

Thankfully the girls have the night to enjoy the water park and hopefully be in bed at a decent hour. Though they have informed me that the season finale of the "Hills" is on tonight, so we shall see.

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