
Wednesday, August 18, 2010


In the midst of our fundraising, Auto Zone had to pull the plug on our car washes because of the drain flow into the creeks. So that was a bit of a disappointment. Thankfully Cindy (Caitlyn's mom) arranged for us hold a car wash.

Location: National Safety Inc.
6910 S. 196th St
Kent, WA 98032

August 24, 2010
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
We hope to see you there!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Rest of Day 3

Well from the first picture, you can see that they finally woke up and started having a great time. They made friends with Kentlake and became a little silly. They also got along very well with each other and were able to cooperate well the rest of the day.
Before lunch today the girls worked VERY HARD on their extreme routine. They hit some great stunts and danced their hearts out. We had our team lunch together (a not so great salad) and then the girls were off to their rooms for a break. They were under strict instructions to DO NOTHING! They could watch TV or take a nap. But other than that, no moving. They had been staying up way too late and getting up way too early.
After lunch they were refreshed and I suppose it payed off. At the end of the day they received the TOP BANANA! Which apparently is the great award... We still don't know how we got it, but who cares. No one else did :-) AND did I mention that we have an ALL-AMERICAN on our team???
Paige tried out for the All-American team and made it!! YAY! She has the opportunity to go to London with UCA. Congrats Paige!
For the rest of the night the girls went to the water park and retreated for their usual evening of reality TV. Who knew there were this many reality TV shows on. Geesh! I am way behind I guess. I did have some late night visitors who refused to leave, and by the time I kicked them out I was only going to get about 5 hours of sleep... Thanks Hillary, Caitlyn, and Kristin.... Love ya!
Stay tuned for details of the finally day at camp!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another Late Night

As I said yesterday, it was a rough one.... I don't think the night was much better. After dinner the girls took off to the water park to let off some steam and relax. They returned in time to catch their daily dose of reality TV and finished the night with some team bonding. In the process, they forgot just how tired they were and stayed up a little too late again...

If you don't believe me then just check out our morning pictures for today.... SO PRETTY!

I couldn't even get them to sit up for a picture, so I had to just hover over them to snap my shot. But at least they tried to smile for me.
Here are a few other morning shots of them... REAL AWAKE! I finally had to put the camera away for a while since they started yelling at me. Lovely ladies :-)

BUT, while I was away at my coaches meeting this morning they won a Superior Ribbon.... Though I didn't see their performance, the girls were pretty sure that they (the camp instructors) lied to them because their performance was awful... I'll just take their word for it.

Have a great day and check in with us later!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Rough Day Two

Last night we were a divided team...

We had Room A: The Bachelorette Fans...
And Room B: Those that could care less about who Ali sent home

Since most of the girls were busy engaging in reality TV last night, I don't think they got as much sleep as they should have.

This morning we learned that there are very FEW morning people on our team and I was greeted with many grouch faces at breakfast. To top the morning off, our waiter at breakfast was very excited and wanted to tell the girls every joke he knew. Lets just say we didn't stay at the table long.
As we made our way to our first session, we had to pause for our morning snapshot. They started to perk up a little too. They were clearly not used to getting up at 6am...

Oh, and did I mention that they won a SPIRIT STICK last night??
They took it with them this morning and make a little shrine for it.

After an hour or so they were back to their usual crazy selves...

That is until we started stunting.... During our morning stunting session it was clear that the girls were feeling their lack of sleep. The ugly side of these beautiful ladies came out in full force today, but luckily it quickly passed. We had to have "the talk" of life at lunch today and we the girls were told that they needed to focus on our attitudes and our team work.
Later on the girls went through their cheer evaluation. It could have been better, but considering the ugliness that surrounded us this morning, this was to be expected.
BUT, they did receive an Excellent ribbon and some wonderful advise.

Currently the girls are working on round 2 of stunting and it seems to be going much better than before. I'll be crossing my fingers it stays this way for the rest of the week.

Soon we will be off to dinner and we will be working on our manners again. :-)

Thankfully the girls have the night to enjoy the water park and hopefully be in bed at a decent hour. Though they have informed me that the season finale of the "Hills" is on tonight, so we shall see.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The First Official Day

It's the first official day of Camp. We just finished dinner (which is a whole other story), so let me tell you about our day.
Although our movie had ended around 11 last night and I tossed the rest out of my room about 11:30, I don't think they went straight to bed. Most of the girls woke up around 10 or so and started getting ready.

Camp started at noon and I thought I'd snap a quick picture of them before the fun began.
They started right away learning new cheers and a dance. They worked for a few hours before they moved onto stunting.
Here are our TWO SENIORS!! Amy and Hillary will be our fearless leaders this year! Here is just a glimpse of what 80% of my pictures look like. It is rare that I get a picture with out a crazy face in it.

Here are the girls before they started stunting.

Tonight at our dinner, we ate at the all you can eat buffet. Now we may have been one of the first teams to sit down and eat, but we were definitely the last ones to leave. The girls could barely move by the time they were done. They stocked up on french fries with smiley faces in them, gummy worms, and I cream. As you can tell, they are really healthy eaters.
As our first meal at a table as a team, our number on priority was MANNERS! We really need to work on the napkin in the lap and not talking with our mouths full. GEESH GIRLS! :-)
We will see what is in store for after dinner.

Cheer Camp 2010

We have arrived at The Great Wolf Lodge and are ready for cheer camp!
On our first night, the girls swam their little hearts out at the water park, had a pizza dinner, and we all snuggled up in bed to watch a movie. The night was filled with fun and excitement as we spent time together as a team.

What started off as a low key night ended up exciting when Maria lost a tooth! As crazy as that sounds, she lost a tooth in the middle of the movie which then brought up talk of the tooth fairy!

After the movie ended, most went back to their own rooms, but a large following decided it would be fun and crept into my room (lovely). When it was time for bed and one wouldn't leave (Paige) we had a little fun while I kicked her out to her own room.