
Monday, July 11, 2011

The First Night

We made it through the first night at camp! Last night the girls enjoyed the water park, but were over it quickly... We set them free at 4pm and they gave up and were in their rooms by 6:30pm... We ate dinner (Pizza) in the rooms and then went into "Movie Night". This year I wanted to pick a movie that they probably would have never seen. So we all snuggled up in one room and put on Earnest Goes to Camp! (one of my old time favorites). A few of them fell asleep during the movie, so needless to say it was a laid back night.

The girls got to sleep in today and relax before camp started. We began sharply at 1pm today and the girls have yet to stop stunting. So far they (seem to be) getting along fabulously but I can see by the looks on their faces that they will be tired tonight! We will break for dinner shortly and then will be back at it for a few more hours.

My lap top is a million years old and is extremely slow, but I will try to put up pictures from today online tonight.

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